
Allow to infuse for 4 to 5 minutes according to taste.

Comics, animations and actionscript.

Tip of MAN & GUY

Tip of Man and Guy from Stefan van Dinther on Vimeo.


Animate CC 3

testAdobe has renamed Flash to Animate CC. Still the same fun as the old Flash, but now you can output to HTML5. So I will be converting some of my old stuff, here’s the third conversion:

The waves were made with Processing.

Animate CC 2

Adobe has renamed Flash to Animate CC. Still the same fun as the old Flash, but now you can output to HTML5. So I will be converting some of my old stuff, here’s the second conversion:


Animate CC

Adobe has renamed Flash to Animate CC. Still the same fun as the old Flash, but now you can output to HTML5. So I will be converting some of my old stuff, here’s the first one:



De nieuwe Zone 5300 is weer uit!

Lees ‘Man en Kerel bakken een ei’ hier (met muziek):

MAN & GUY scratch


Playing around with scratch using one of my MAN & GUY comic strips.

Scratch is a really great way to learn programming! Highly recommended!

Man and Guy + Interview with Paul Kirchner


New comic strips of Man and Guy in Zone 5300 with second scenario by Simone Ruitenbeek! Also in this issue an interview with Paul Kirchner that I conducted together with my friend Eric van der Heijden.

Man and Guy talk!


MAN AND GUY ignore the laws of nature IV

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